- part company 离别
- Little romance 小浪漫
- Grim 冷酷
- play dumb 装聋作哑
- Tenderness 温存
- Shackles 束缚
- vagabond 流浪者
- No sense 无感
- burn 燃
- stand aside 袖手旁观
- Husky 沙哑
- Lightning 闪电
- Forerunner 先行者
- hesitation 彷徨
- puppet 傀儡
- Armor 盔甲
- Look at the 仰望
- Vent 宣泄
- Monster 怪物
- Nuisance(讨厌鬼)
- Spoil(溺爱)
- Wind(风)
- grievance(太委屈)
- Ignoran(懵懂)
- withered(凋零)
- blood stasis(瘀血)
- weird(怪异)
- The great(伟大)
- Brilliant(辉煌)
- Liberation(解脱)
- Murder(谋杀)
- Twist 扭曲
- Forest 森林
- Anti-clockwise 逆时针
- Guilt 愧疚
- Occupation 占领
- Resign(认命)
- Weak(懦弱)
- Stupid 愚蠢
- Memory 痴情
- Emotiona°小吃货
- Cigarette butt 烟头
- sewage 污
- tear 泪
- Blurred 迷离
- Love loser 爱情废柴
- The heart of the heart 心之所向
- Waning moon 残月
- Gorgeous 绚丽
- Passerby 过路人
- Allure(诱惑)
- trendsetter 潮人